MPV Decoder

What is MPV?

MPV is a MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 video elemantary stream (no audio). Also called M1V for MPEG-1 video and M2V for MPEG-2 video.

Sometimes you can just rename the files .mpg and play them in Windows Media Player or other DirectShow player. However, if you get errors about not being able to play them, install MPV Decoder.

How to install MPV Decoder :

If you are unable to install the filter, please read this small guide: How to install/uninstall DLL and AX codec files from Guides section.

• Related downloads:
- MPA Decoder: as the name says MPA Decoder will help to decode MPA files. MPA is an elementary MPEG-2 audio stream (no video).
- Dscaler MPEG Filters: helps to play MPEG2 (DVD, SVCD) in Windows Media Player or other video players.
- GPL MPEG-1/2 DirectShow Decoder Filter: can be used to play MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 streams in any media player based on DirectShow.

Download MPV Decoder